All about LINQ Nodes

Nodes are the building blocks of every model you will create in LINQ, helping to define and visualize various elements of your processes.  Understanding how nodes interconnect is crucial to effectively building and representing your current or future state models in a clear and meaningful way. 

Nodes are categorised into four SuperTypes: 

  • Information
  • Action
  • System
  • Role

Additionally, there are two functional node types:

  • Comment
  • To do

1. Information Nodes

Information nodes represent pieces of information. In addition to the generic Information node, information can be represented using six subtypes: Paper, File, Database, Service, Application, and Verbal. 

Information is an input to, and an output from the actions which take place. Information nodes are described using nouns.

Information outputs are the information assets created by the model - they come at the end of a chain of action and information nodes. Information assets can carry their value, which in turn helps to derive the value of all content in the model.

These are some questions which can be asked to help capture information nodes in your models:

What are the information inputs which enable work to be undertaken?

What information outputs are created from work done? Or how does the information change?

What is the value of the information assets created? Is the content believable and trusted? Is it in a system of record? Does it support many business outcomes? Can it be accessed as required?

2. Action Nodes

Action nodes are activities, processes or transactions that produce information. In addition to the generic Action node, there are four subtypes of Action nodes: Capture, Process, Outcome, and ‘Something Happens Here.’ Action nodes are described using verbs.

Actions contain duration and frequency, i.e. how many times the action takes place, and how often it takes place. As actions are connected to information inputs and outputs, and to the role or system which performs it, actions are the containers of effort in your model. Find out more about quantifying actions in the Node Properties: Duration and frequency help.

Capture actions represent the start of the process and can be used to specify the frequency of the work being modelled. 

Outcome actions represent the end of the process and can be used to specify the business outcomes enabled by the model, or the purpose for the work taking place.

These are some questions which can be asked to help capture action nodes in your models:

Who or what is performing the action? Is this a role or does a system automate the action?

How long does the action take to perform, e.g. 15 minutes, 2 hours or 5 days?

How often does the action take place, e.g. once per day, 400 times per year?

2. System Nodes

System nodes represent systems that store, process, or create information, or the 'tool' used by a role to perform an action. Systems do not only have to be technology. For example, paper can be a system if the output of an action is a paper record.

In a model, only the System node is used. The infrastructure nodes are configured in the People & Systems model where they hold information about Carbon Intensity and are connected to the systems they support.

It is a good idea to use System names that the business will recognise. Systems are stored at the organisation level, so they are available to be used in any model you create. If you update a System in the People & Systems model, that update will be applied to every updated system node in every model in the organisation.

These are some questions which can be asked to correctly capture Systems in your models:

What are the systems (tools) that people use to do their work, e.g. Word, Excel, a CRM, paper?

Which systems automate work, e.g. a CRM automatically sends an email when a contact record is updated?

Which system provides the information required to enable work, e.g. Excel provides the spreadsheet, or the CRM provides the account number?

3. Role Nodes

Role nodes capture the role which performs the action. In a model, you will only use Roles or Organisations. The Organisation node represents an external organisation which is part of your process. 

Roles are held at the organisation level and can be extended with people or teams in the People & System model. Roles or people and teams carry the costs and capacity of the people in your organisation. Once they have been defined, they are available to be used in every model you create. If you update a role in the People & Sytems model, that update will apply to every updated node in every model within the organisation.

4. Comment Nodes

The Comment node allows you to add notes to a specific node or nodes in your model. Comment nodes can be connected to one or more nodes in your model and feature in the model insights.

5. To Do Nodes

The To Do node is used to create to-do tasks for the model.  Once added, connected to a node or nods, and allocated to a user in your organisation, these tasks will be listed in the To-Do List Card, which provides a list of tasks to complete. 

For more information on how nodes interconnect and the LINQ language, please refer to YouTube videos  "LINQv2 Onboarding Video - Building Your First Model" and "The LINQ Language".